Unleash the power of smart collective action

Build your DAO with Tomorrow DAO and AI

  • Create a DAO

    Create your DAO, where you can initiate proposals and let other members vote to co-build your community.

    Learn More
  • Manage High Council

    In token-based DAOs, If you want certain proposals to be voted on only by core members, you can add and manage the members of the DAO's High Council.

  • Create Proposals

    In Tomorrow DAO, proposals can be created for managing funds, modifying DAO parameters, managing DAO members, and more.

  • Treasury Governance

    You can directly deposit funds into the DAO's treasury, but withdrawing funds requires creating a proposal. Treasury funds will aid in the governance of the community.

    Learn More

Flexible structures for different DAO types

  • Multisig-based DAO

    A "multisig" is a shared wallet, typically with two or more members authorizing transactions.

    Create a Multisig-based DAO
  • Token-based DAO

    Users who hold governance tokens can participate in the DAO's governance by voting on proposals.

    Create a Token-based DAO

Using Tomorrow DAO to govern your community

  • STEP 1

    Select a type of DAO you want to create

    Select an issued token or NFT as the governance token, or choose some users as DAO members.

  • STEP 2

    Govern through proposals

    After creating a proposal, use tokens, NFTs, or become a DAO member to vote.

  • STEP 3

    Fund and allocate the treasury

    Deposit funds to your DAO's treasury and govern your DAO by allocating these funds.

AI-powered DAO infrastructure

  • Al agents in DAO governance

    • Writing proposals, whitepapers, manifestos and posts
    • Summarizing governance decisions
    • Onboarding new members (on-chain reputation or storing of credentials)
  • Al-assisted data analysis

    • Providing analysis and insights on proposals
    • Using data analytics to identify patterns of behavior or voting trends among members. This helps the DAO to make informed decisions about proposals or changes to its governance structure

And more

  • Swarm Intelligence

    Al agents can serve as connections, or liaisons, between DAOs, forming a kind of "swarm intelligence" of agents or DAOs, that can work together without the need for human facilitation.